Internal Medicine

Our internal medicine referrals service in Northampton

The internal medicine referral service is run by Dr Riccardo Minelli DVM MRCVS. We accept referrals in oncology, cardiology, endocrinology, gastroenterology, nephrology neurology and general medicine. With flexible and rigid endoscopes, digital xray, CT, MRI, Doppler colour ultrasound, computerised ECG, 24 hour Holter monitoring and continuous glucose monitoring we are equipped to deal with the majority of medical problems. Our in-house laboratory is fully equipped offering full in-house blood testing including arterial blood gases, full coagulation profiles, platelet function, platelet aggregation tests and thromboelastography.

  • Endocrinology
  • Cardiology and Respiratory Medicine
  • Neurology
  • Oncology


  • Problem diabetics using continuous blood glucose monitoring
  • Ketoacidotic and non ketoacidotic hyperosmolar diabetics
  • Hypoglycaemia using insulin glucose IGF 1 and IGF 2 analysis and imaging
  • APUDomas
  • Adrenal and pituitary dependent hyperadrenocorticism
  • Hypercalcaemia

Cardiology and Respiratory Medicine

  • Investigation of coughing and dyspnoea
  • Bronchoscopy BAL and foreign body retrieval
  • Management of pericardial /pleural effusions and pneumothorax
  • Minimally invasive pericardectomy under ultrasonographic or fluoroscopic guidance
  • Transthoracic biopsy
  • Echocardiography, ECG and 24 Holter monitoring
  • Echo doppler ultrasound


  • Seizure investigations
  • Brain MRI
  • Brain CT



Treatment Options 

  • Our oncology service is wide ranging and offers full staging of cancers using diagnostic tests such as x-ray, ultrasound, MRI, CT and biopsy which can be ultrasound guided, endoscopic, or surgical depending on the individual case
  • CT and MRI imaging  are used to evaluate tumour margins and metastatic spread
  • Treatment options are surgical, chemotherapy, immunotherapy and external beam radiotherapy (by referral)

Oncology Services

  • Lymphoma - tailored histochemistry depending on the nature of the disease
  • Immunohistochemical and clonality testing mast cell tumour management – all grades
  • Apocrine gland carcinoma management – paraneoplastic syndrome treatments, growth factor analysis and immunotherapy
  • Tyrosine kinase inhibitors and anti-angiogenic treatments

Chemotherapy Administration

  • Patient, client and staff safety are our priorities when using chemotherapeutic drugs in veterinary practice. We use the most up to date and safest protocols whilst handling and administering chemotherapeutic drugs to patients by using Berner gowns and gloves and fully closed administration systems and having strict extravasation and spill protocols.



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