Advanced Imaging

Our diagnostic imaging service in Northampton

Need Advanced Imaging but don’t wish to refer the case? We provide an imaging only and report service. 

  • 64 Slice CT
  • 1.5 Tesla MRI

64 Slice CT

A 64 Slice CT can be used for any part of the body, images are acquired in seconds, meaning shorter overall anaesthetic times. 

Typical CT applications include:

  • Contrast studies – CT contrast urography, portosystemic shunts.
  • ENT: middle ear disease, nasal disease.
  • Orthopaedic – bone pathology, neoplasia, osteomyelitis, elbow dysplasia, 3D reconstructions.
  • Oncology – staging of thoracic and abdominal neoplasia.

1.5 Tesla MRI

1.5 Tesla MRI is the best modality for neuropathology. MRI scans take longer than CT- typically about 45-60 mins.

Typical MRI applications include:

  • Neurology- congenital or genetic disease, neoplasia, disc disease, meningitis, GME.
  • Oncology- staging, delineating tumour margins.
  • Orthopaedic- non-invasive imaging of joints – soft tissue structures and bone.
  • Soft tissue- foreign body location.

To send a case for MRI/CT

  • Contact us directly on 01604 628685 to arrange a suitable appointment.
  • Email us at if you have any queries or need clarification of the referral or imaging process.
  • A full clinical history is required even if you do not wish to fully refer the case to us.
  • CT and MRI Imaging on site is provided by our imaging partners Burgess Diagnostics.

Terms and Conditions of Imaging Only Service 

CT and MRI can be sent to us for imaging only by other veterinary surgeons without the case being referred to us. We will image the case and you can either have the images read by a third party or we can image and do a full report. The client will have an admission and discharge appointment with a VN and will not see our clinicians so will not be charged a referral consult fee. Contrast media used in advanced imaging are used with caution in patients with impaired renal or liver function therefore patients should have had a pre GA blood test in the 2 weeks prior to the procedure- if this has not been done or the referring vet has not provided results of this we reserve the right to perform a Pre GA blood screen on the day of the procedure at an additional cost to the owner. Clients will be expected to pay in full  for imaging on the day of the procedure, no direct claims will be accepted therefore please make sure clients are aware of the costs before making the appointment. We accept most debit and credit cards and cash as forms of payment. We will not discuss imaging result with the owners, give any treatments or treatment recommendations *

(*except in emergency situations where the patients health and welfare is at risk, in such cases we will always try to contact you and keep you informed )

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